Sharia Creeps in England

August 28, 2010
More than 700 protesters gathered and clashed with riot police in Bradford, England today, the home of a...


August 28, 2010
More young people in Turkey are getting tattoos... of the "founder" of secular Turkey,  Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.  Writes Liz...

God-Led Government

August 25, 2010
Catch The Revealer founder, Jeff Sharlet, talking about his new book, C Street, on NPR's "Fresh Air" today.  Among...

What is Sacred Ground?

August 16, 2010
Never ones to let a potential controversy get past them (today's cover headline reads, "Scarlett [Johanson] may be getting...

A Ground Zero Mosque Update

August 9, 2010
Star Parker gets incensed by the New York Times' claim that "the attacks of September 11 were not...

Aren't Mormon Vampires Sexy?

August 6, 2010
Jana Reiss wonders why Robert Pattinson, the star of  the vampire-glorifying Twilight movies, won't cop to Mormon...

They're Into Old Stuff

August 5, 2010
The American Center for Law and Justice, Pat Robertson's blunt-weapon answer to the American Civil Liberties Union, headed...

Discrimination Pays

August 5, 2010
Got a strong hatred for a faith other than your own?  Forget finding tolerance; find a book agent!  

Muslims at Ground Zero

August 4, 2010
Yesterday, plans to build a Muslim religious center near Ground Zero were approved. Later in the day, Mayor...

HuffPo Scripture

July 26, 2010
Paul Rauschenbush, religion editor at Huffington Post, announced a new series that will highlight scriptural commentary: One of the...

Science, the State Religion

July 26, 2010
Young-earth creationist and founder of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, is taking the Smithsonian's Natural Museum of Natural...

Getting One Over On Jerry

July 14, 2010
Talk to Action marks the anniversary of Jerry Sloan's 1984 televised clash with Jerry Falwell, an event that produced...

Sproul's School

July 12, 2010
History.  Truth.  Faith.  That's the tagline for R.C. Sproul's new Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies.  Sproul,...

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