Muslims at Ground Zero

August 4, 2010
Yesterday, plans to build a Muslim religious center near Ground Zero were approved. Later in the day, Mayor...

Attack their Ideology

June 9, 2010
Malcolm Nance tells Rachel Maddow that the best way to defeat Al-Qaeda is to spread understanding of their...

Florida Mosque Firebombed

May 12, 2010
Yesterday a mosque in Jacksonville, Florida, was firebombed but the culprits were caught on tape. The videos...

Alarmingly, The Quran

May 10, 2010
Kos pointed out part of a letter today that has been zipping around the internets. It was...

Halal Kazakhstan

May 5, 2010
When part of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan's Muslims were forced to hide their faith or practice a state-sanctioned version...

Seal of Approval.

April 28, 2010
Does the president regularly endorse liberal practitioners of other religious traditions as somehow upstanding citizens of those traditions?...

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