"Europe is No Longer Christian"

October 13, 2003
Today’s New York Times features a front-pager on the decline of institutional religion in Europe by Frank Bruni. Running for a full...

Tie Your Camel.

October 10, 2003
The problem with the Justice Department’s investigation of American Muslim Council directorAbdurrahman Alamoudi, writes Shahed Amanullah and Aslam Abdullah, is that American...

Sacred Snark

October 9, 2003
The Believer is a new journal dedicated to the proposition that “snark” must be rooted out from criticism in the...


October 8, 2003
The Revealer agrees with Nicholas Kristof‘s condemnation of the Bush Administration’s stipulation that 1/3 of oversees anti-AIDS money go to the...

An American Pope?

October 3, 2003
Should Gray Davis be allowed to take communion? Some conservative Roman Catholic leaders say no, but not because they’re...

Who's Being Spooky?

October 2, 2003
Last Spring, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti gave Voodoo official recognition, most notably legalizing Voodoo marriages. Now, reports Christianity Today, “Christians” fear...

And Then There Was One

October 2, 2003
Jesus is second only to Hitler in terms of units sold when it comes to moving newsweeklies, but that hasn’t stopped U.S. News...

God Lite 101

October 1, 2003
God should drop out of school and get a real job, according to a new book on the history...

Rant du Jour

October 1, 2003
Orion isn’t classified as a religion magazine, but it should be. Its mix of eco-notions and ideas, romanticization of the...

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