Chronicle v. Times: The Sermons

February 2, 2005
Kate Hawley: Over the last week, The Revealer undertook an informal comparison of religion coverage in the web editions...

Professor All-Things

February 1, 2005
Scott Mclemee, the last public intellectual standing, has jumped ship from The Chronicle of Higher Ed to Inside Higher Ed, a new...

Sonogram Religion

February 1, 2005
Religious media: James Dobson’s evangelical Focus on the Family “has budgeted $4.2 million in the current fiscal year for...

Some Revelation's at Hand?

February 1, 2005
Last week The Christian Century reported that the Church of the Brethren, a pacifist church which has historically opposed military service,...

Iraq, Heaven on Earth

February 1, 2005
“Iraq was going to change all that. In one place on Earth, the theory would finally be put into...

Blood Libel in Russia

February 1, 2005
New York blogger Bnei Levi has translated the anti-Semitic letter/petition written by 19 nationalist Russian parliamentarians and signed by...

Some Revelation's at Hand?

February 1, 2005
Last week The Christian Century reported that the Church of the Brethren, a pacifist church which has historically opposed...

Hillary Gods-Up

February 1, 2005
WNYC’s Brian Lehrer picks up on Sen. Hillary Clinton’s recent God-talk, speaking with The American Prospect’s Michael Tomasky. Listen...

Creationism on the Free Market

February 1, 2005
While Intelligent Design proponents spark angry letters to the editor and cocktail-party arguments nationwide, The New York Times’ Cornelia...

Super Bowl, Super Jesus

February 1, 2005
With the National Football League and 100,000 fans about to descend on Jacksonville, Florida, local Christians recognize what’s going...


February 1, 2005
Popetown, a satirical cartoon set in the Vatican that was cancelled by the BBC after numerous protests by British...

Tolerating James Dobson

January 31, 2005
31 January 2005 Bob Smietana, giving Dobson the benefit of the doubt, finds a moral in L’Affaire SpongeBob. Al...

Daily Links 31 January 2005

January 31, 2005
They’re Into Masochism, Too Here’s a lengthy diatribe on what self-serving hypocrites many evangelicals are — published in Christianity Today‘s Books & Culture....

Daily Links 29 January 2005

January 29, 2005
Maple Sugar Me, Baby More naughty bunny news: Slate‘s Dana Stevens interviews (halfway through her column) a spokeswoman for “Postcards from Buster,”...

Daily Links 28 January 2005

January 28, 2005
Get Godly, Get Paid Who says moral values don’t pay? Yet another conservative columnist has been outed as having received undisclosed...

Scientology Stories

January 28, 2005
Amid the overabundance of articles on religion and the tsunami — who has an interpretation of the tragedy as...

Duke ISO Pugilist

January 28, 2005
Kerry Duke, dean of Tennessee Bible College, has apparently intimidated his neighbors at Tennessee State University out of hosting...

Faith-Based Investment Bankers?

January 28, 2005
The South Florida Business Journal reports, without comment, that Jeb Bush has named several insurance, investment and business executives...

Every Woman Loves a Crusader

January 28, 2005
Wild At Heart — the new book and Christian men’s movement, not David Lynch’s dark and violent love story...

Jerry Understands

January 28, 2005
Jerry Springer sympathizes with the Christians who protested the BBC’s recent airing of Jerry Springer: The Opera, and said...

The Well-Concealed Rub

January 27, 2005
James Dobson issues a press release to counter the SpongeBob fiasco, which he claims was reported all out of...

Adventist Ashes Get Catholic Burial

January 27, 2005
After a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado publicized its practice of holding religious burials of the ashes of aborted...

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