AIO's Red Pill

March 1, 2005
The attorneys involved in the dispute between the University of North Carolina and an evangelical Christian fraternity at the...

Rumsfeld Sued

March 1, 2005
The ACLU and Human Rights First announce that they’ve brought a civil lawsuit against Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld...

BBC Strikes Back

March 1, 2005
“‘We are not running some kind of Pop Idol competition in which the greatest number of votes gets a...

Tangipahoa Parish Prayer

March 1, 2005
Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco has issued a statement condemning the federal court decision last week barring the Tangipahoa Parish...

Religion and Marketing

February 28, 2005
It’s a belief-system, it’s a political heavyweight, it’s a marketing tool. Two weeks ago ComBlu released a new nine-step...

Founder Worship

February 28, 2005
The New York Times’ conservative beat reporter, David Kirkpatrick, experiences God’s Washington, D.C., with David Barton, vice president of...

Flirt Squad

February 28, 2005
Pious hard-liners in Iran are outraged over alleged public flirtations that occurred in an affluent area of Tehran on...

Special Relationship

February 28, 2005
Christian Voice — the British evangelical group which protested the broadcast of Jerry Spinger: The Opera by releasing the...

Ten Commandments Case

February 28, 2005
“‘I didn’t sue Christianity or Judaism. I sued the government.'” Thomas Van Orden, the now-homeless Vietnam veteran and former...

The Faith of a Killer

February 26, 2005
Sharlet: CNN headlines the fact that Dennis Rader, the just-arrested, alleged “BTK” serial killer of Wichita, Kansas, conforms to...

The Anglican Not-Divide

February 25, 2005
Reports on the communiqué issued yesterday by Anglican primates have widelymisrepresented the news as final proof of an Anglican split,...

Child Exorcisms

February 25, 2005
On the five-year anniversary of the death of a British child killed during an attempted exorcism, BBC’s Newsnight broadcast...

Simpsons: Godless, Gay, or (Gasp) Both?

February 24, 2005
Sharlet: Last week The Simpsons‘ Springfield went gay, but before that, The Simpsons was a Christian show. Well, sort of. Christianity Today dubbed Homer’s okily-dokily...

New Noonan

February 24, 2005
Peggy Noonan enters the god-blogosphere, kindof, writing her weekly Wall Street Journal column “blog-style,” and inviting readers to guess...

Cosmic Therapist

February 24, 2005
A new survey released by the National Study of Youth and Religion (led by UNC sociologist Christian Smith) finds...

Scout Appeal

February 24, 2005
A Michigan atheist, John Scalise, is appealing to the Supreme Court to review a ruling that allows Boy Scout...

Council for National Policy

February 23, 2005
Gadflyer contributor Sarah Posner delivers a thorough investigation of the Council for National Policy (CNP), the little-known but high-powered...

I've Been Sanctified...

February 23, 2005
“‘When a young man and a young woman give in to Satan, when they strip down like animals in...

Little White Stones

February 23, 2005
In the second installment of a three-part series on the place of religion in Europe, Peter Ford...

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