Fatwa Issued on bin Laden

March 11, 2005
On the first anniversary of the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 and wounded 1,900, all of the city’s...

Everybody Loves a Comeback

March 11, 2005
Can the religious left get its groove back? Amy Sullivan discusses the challenges to progressive Christianity reasserting itself into...

Banned in the U.S.A.

March 11, 2005
The French Catholic Church has succeeded in having a fashion company’s ad posters, featuring a group of models posing...

Near the Looking Glass

March 10, 2005
Gal Beckerman: What to make of a book entitled "Best Religion News Writing"? Two obvious questions come to mind...

My Radio, My God

March 10, 2005
Lisa Anderson: "I haven't introduced myself to the KRCC staff as Lisa the Christian. And I thought that was...

Rabbi Sez...

March 10, 2005
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the ultra-orthodox Shas party in Israel, makes the New York Post for allegedly...

Audio Wallis

March 10, 2005
“Religion has to be disciplined by democracy. That means you don’t enter the public square and say I’m religious...

Business-Friendly Creation Care

March 10, 2005
The New York Times’ Laurie Goodstein investigates the environmental agenda of the National Association of Evangelicals and finds that,...

Godcast Power Hours

March 10, 2005
God-blogging is so old-new media. The next biggish thing is Godcasting, in which sermons are recorded and uploaded onto...

Slaughterhouse Story

March 9, 2005
What a pleasure to read a story about Islam that has nothing to do with “the war on terror.” Andrea...

Disney's Wardrobe

March 9, 2005
09 March 2005 Kate Hawley: The aptly named Motive Marketing made sure Christians came out in droves to see The Passion of...

Donkey God

March 9, 2005
09 March 2005 While Hillary busies herself unveiling the religion she’s always had and the rest of the Democratic...

Competitive Victimhood

March 9, 2005
BBC director general, Mark Thompson, bit back at Christian Voice — the religious group most instrumental in organizing the...

No Tomorrow, for Whatever Reason

March 8, 2005
Bill Moyers updates the article that caused a big flap last February for a possible second-hand misquotation of former...

The Miracle of Scalia

March 8, 2005
Richard Cohen, a Washington Post columnist, finds a little bit of the miraculous in Justice Antonin Scalia’s common-sensical declaration...

Jewish Violence

March 8, 2005
While Gaza Strip settlers await the government withdrawal planned for July, signs of a violent, if submerged, resistance are...

Oprah Sect Secularism

March 8, 2005
Another day, another broad generalization about the horserace between “religion” (define it as you will) and “secularism” (ditto). Today,...

Marrying Monarchs

March 8, 2005
Edward Leigh, a British parliamentarian and Catholic, will introduce legislation today to repeal a 300-year old law preventing heirs...

Pope Joke Fallout

March 7, 2005
New York Press editor Jeff Koyen has just resigned from his position after last week’s cover story, “The 52...

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