Imax Says Amen

March 21, 2005
Let Intelligent Design proponents dally around with talk of “open debate” and critical assessment of multiple theories about the...

Yours In Christ, Condi

March 21, 2005
The Condoleezza Rice ’08 contingent shouldn’t lose all hope after the secretary of state’s insistence last week that she...

In God's Country

March 21, 2005
Why won’t you visit Estes Park, Colorado? Because of the town’s recall election tomorrow for an agnostic town trustee,...


March 21, 2005
Oral arguments for a case concerning Ohio prisoners and the constitutionality of the 2000 federal Religious Land Use and...

Certainly, He Said

March 20, 2005
“Despite, or perhaps because of, the lack of historical fact about his motivations, Judas remains a fascination. ‘Certain traditions...

Buddha Born Again, Killed

March 18, 2005
–Jeff Sharlet — “cheaper than church,” “paved with good intentions,” “Allah in the family,” “god for the godless” —...

50 M.P.H. Doubt

March 18, 2005
In the wake of the shootings at the Living Church of God in Brookfield, Wisconsin, a “distraught” woman decided...

Plush Elder Gods

March 18, 2005
On this week’s 68th anniversary of the death of horror writer and myth-maker, H.P. Lovecraft, the Library of America...

Holy Warring in Gaza

March 18, 2005
The efforts of Jewish fundamentalists to thwart disengagement plans in Israeli settlements continue to get biblical, this week with...


March 16, 2005
An international, interfaith team of U.S. evangelicals and ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews have come together to fight the upcoming World...

Auto-Deistic Victimhood?

March 16, 2005
Can a Satanist be the victim of a hate crime? The Village Voice’s Kristen Lombardi investigates the case of...

Medicine Men

March 16, 2005
A federal court has approved a settlement between Nebraska Native American inmates and prison officials allowing the inmates to...

NYT: "Seen By Some As A Cult"

March 15, 2005
Wisconsin police are focusing on the role of religion in Terry Ratzmann’s murderous attack on his own church, reports The...

Disney On the Ganges

March 15, 2005
Though Disney may have sold its nostalgic utopia, the town of Celebration, last year, the will to create scale...

Da Vinci Cardinal

March 15, 2005
A cottage industry in books debunking Dan Brown isn’t enough: now the author of the bestseller, The Da Vinci...

Like, To Death

March 14, 2005
Everybody must get an updated Old Testament. Or at least British kids have to, according to Hodder & Stoughton,...

Wedge O' Truth

March 14, 2005
There was time enough last fall to grow familiar with the phenomenon of campaign aides “frankly” discussing political strategy...

Presidential Prayer Team

March 14, 2005
While hosting Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez insisted that the United States government was attempting to...

I'm Too Sexy For My Celibacy

March 13, 2005
Chastity is all the rage: NYT‘s Alex Williams falls all over chastity crusader Lauren F. Winner and her new book, Real Sex, in the paper’s Fashion...

Living Church of God

March 13, 2005
13 March 2005 Jeff Sharlet: A few years ago, a colleague and I reported a story about an attack...


March 12, 2005
“Mary, an unstable mystic, masturbates with holy ardor, turning a prayer — ‘Come, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me’...

Shirts & Skins

March 11, 2005
11 March 2005 Kate Hawley: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled on Tuesday that the...

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