The AIDS Aid Money Trail

January 30, 2006
30 January 2006 Nearly a quarter of President Bush’s $15 billion HIV/AIDS program is earmarked for faith-based groups, with...

Brand Name Buddhism

January 29, 2006
29 January 2006 Melissa Benner eats Tet and keeps clean in Vietnam, where detergent commercials blendBuddhism and advertising.

Wingspread Declaration

January 27, 2006
27 January 2006 Scott Jaschik from Inside Higher Ed reports on “The Wingspread Declaration on Religion and Public Life: Engaging Higher...

"God is Love (Homosexuality is Not)"

January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Everybody knows that NYT reporters just want people to be nice, and Ian Fisher proves that today by cooing...

Half/Life: Jew-Ish Tales

January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Sharlet: Publishers Weekly reviews Revealer contributor Laurel Snyder‘s new edited volume, Half/Life: Jew-Ish Tales From Interfaith Homes.”‘Half’ is an interesting, incorrigible, perplexing...


January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Senator Sam Brownback’s democracy: “‘This, [he says,] being senator, running for president, waving the flag of...

Rise Up, Rich Men and Soldiers!

January 24, 2006
24 January 2006 Pity the poor New York Times, struggling to cover foreign affairs as best it can absent serious discussion of...

Wayward Evangelical Soldiers

January 24, 2006
24 January 2006 Religion professor and author of The Beloved Community: How Faith Shapes Social Justice, From the Civil Rights...

R-Rated Religion

January 24, 2006
24 January 2006 The ultra-conservative (but not actually secretive) Catholic group, Opus Dei is calling for the film adaptation...

Salt Lake Evolution

January 23, 2006
23 January 2006 The Utah Senate initially approved a bill last Friday that would make public school teachers include anti-evolution caveats...

The Heartwarming Business

January 23, 2006
23 January 2006 Jacques Steinberg of The New York Times investigates the fate of a reality TV show that was scheduled...

Theocracy, Eh?

January 23, 2006
23 January 2006 Pilgrim Harper brings the culture wars north. By Kathryn Joyce From Le Cornichon A smart and serious...

Black Jesus

January 19, 2006
19 January 2006 Jesus as Steve Biko (well, if Biko spoke Xhosa), this week in Utah, when the South...

"God is Dead"

January 19, 2006
19 January 2006 When Nietzche vandalizes.

He Died on Good Friday...

January 19, 2006
19 January 2006 “But it is relevant to his theme to note that thanks to Booth’s derringer ball, the...

God Sez

January 18, 2006
18 January 2006 New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin joins the swollen ranks of bumbling politicians and clerics made to apologize to...

Faith-Based Lawsuit Approved

January 17, 2006
17 January 2006 From the 7th Circuit U.S. Appeals Court in Chicago, an important ruling in the case Freedom From...

Libel and Blood Libel

January 17, 2006
17 January 2006 Nearly a month after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made his Christmas Eve address to his nation,...

God's Kinder, Gentler Army

January 16, 2006
16 January 2006 Fetal funerals, ultrasound machines, and baby bonnets for women who want abortions. John Leland of The New...

Natural Christian Poetry

January 16, 2006
16 January 2006 Ever had the irresistible urge to see the culture wars put to tortured verse? To understand...

Actual Episcopalians

January 16, 2006
16 January 2006 In response to the irreverent and over-hyped new NBC sitcom, The Book of Daniel, the Episcopal Diocese...

My God! Abramoff.

January 16, 2006
16 January 2006 “‘After reading the e-mail, it became pretty obvious he was putting money before God. We are...

Pat's Sorry

January 13, 2006
13 January 2006 Pat Robertson is sorry.

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