Acid Devils

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 While 2.5 million Muslim pilgrims making hajj stone the devil (under heavy police supervision to prevent stampedes), NPR...

Philosophy of Design

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 Intelligent Design gets set for another trial, with a group of California parents suing a rural...

The Only Good Muslims

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 Christian apocalypticist and host of the recently cancelled Trinity Broadcast Network show, “International Intelligence Briefing,” Hal Lindsey takes his...

Pray for Rain

January 10, 2006
10 January 2006 Religion of the Ages: Amid severe, drought-fueled wildfires, Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, who made headlines last...

We Will Bury You

January 10, 2006
10 January 2006 A Justice Sunday III bulletin from the Rev. Herbert H. Lusk II, the pastor of the Greater Exodus...

Thoughts for the Day

January 10, 2006
10 January 2006 “Thought for the Day,” a three-minute BBC segment that, for 36 years, has been allotted for religious perspectives...

Klingenschmitt Fast

January 10, 2006
10 January 2006 Lt. Gordon James Klingenschmitt, the Navy chaplain who began hunger striking outside the White House eighteen days ago...

Straight Religion

January 9, 2006
09 January 2006 Knight Chair of Media and Religion at the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of...

Holy Oiling the Machine

January 9, 2006
09 January 2006 Via Salon, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday on the clandestine consecration of the hearing room where the questioning...

Holy Wars Are Still Now

January 9, 2006
09 January 2006 A funny little article from Charles Haynes, the First Amendment Center representative and talking head of choice for all things...

Voodoo Fest

January 9, 2006
09 January 2006 How do you do the voodoo? The BBC features a reader forum on whether voodoo is good or evil, on...

Jew Love

January 9, 2006
09 January 2006 “‘I feel jealous sometimes. This term that keeps coming up in the Old Book — the...

The Book of Pat

January 6, 2006
06 January 2006 From the land of absent internal censors: Pat Robertson wonders aloud whether the sudden stroke suffered by Israeli...

"Giving Voice" to MLK

January 6, 2006
06 January 2006 Max Blumenthal has a smart take-down of the conservative revisionist history that’s enabled Christian activists such as Tony...

Men of God and Abramoff

January 6, 2006
06 January 2006’s Joe Conason tallies the number of religious figures and moralizing laymen involved in the Jack Abramoff...

How the Other Half Worships

January 5, 2006
05 January 2006 “In the little church, everybody is sort of a king.” Urban blight photographer, Camilo Jose Vergara, releases a...

Doing Little for God or Conservatism

January 5, 2006
05 January 2006 The surprisingly successful campaign of Chilean Socialist, agnostic presidential candidate, Michelle Bachelet, has been making global...

Holy Land: Holy Land

January 4, 2006
04 January 2006 A coalition of U.S. evangelical groups, led by none other than Pat Robertson, is negotiating with...

American Visitation

January 4, 2006
04 January 2006 The National Catholic Reporter’s John L. Allen, Jr., looks into the ongoing apostolic visitation of American seminaries,...

Bill O'Reilly v. Liberal Jews

January 4, 2006
04 January 2006 “Are U.S. Jews really worried the Christian right is trying to control the country?” That’s the thoroughly disingenuous question...

The Late, Great Hal Lindsey Report

January 4, 2006
04 January 2006 An inside scandal (of limited proportions) at Trinity Broadcast Network, which reportedly justcancelled Hal Lindsey’s weekly television program,...

Saint More

January 3, 2006
03 January 2006 The Guardian re-names Thomas More the patron saint of “liars and bullies,” on the occasion of two...

Historical Jesus Goes to Trial

January 3, 2006
03 January 2006 It’s like Miracle on 34th Street, the Scopes trial, and The Greatest Story Ever Told all wrapped up in...

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