Tolerating James Dobson

January 31, 2005
31 January 2005 Bob Smietana, giving Dobson the benefit of the doubt, finds a moral in L’Affaire SpongeBob. Al...

Daily Links 31 January 2005

January 31, 2005
They’re Into Masochism, Too Here’s a lengthy diatribe on what self-serving hypocrites many evangelicals are — published in Christianity Today‘s Books & Culture....

Daily Links 29 January 2005

January 29, 2005
Maple Sugar Me, Baby More naughty bunny news: Slate‘s Dana Stevens interviews (halfway through her column) a spokeswoman for “Postcards from Buster,”...

Daily Links 28 January 2005

January 28, 2005
Get Godly, Get Paid Who says moral values don’t pay? Yet another conservative columnist has been outed as having received undisclosed...

Daily Links 27 January 2005

January 27, 2005
Guantanamo Thong Song The Bush administration recommends sexual abstinence for singles — unless, of course, you’re a Guantanamo prisoner....

Daily Links 26 January 2005

January 26, 2005
They Will Be Your Doctors When You’re Old Kansas’ State Board of Education is holding a public hearing this...

Daily Links 25 January 2005

January 25, 2005
God’s Convenient Politics Lucky for Democrats, Jim Wallis is able to explain God’s politics, which are a curiously good...

Alberta What's On Your Mind?

January 24, 2005
In Alberta, one of five provinces left in Canada that has not legalized same-sex marriage, 500 protesters gathered outside...

Daily Links 24 January 2005

January 24, 2005
Don’t Play with Sri Lanka Evangelical relief workers have reached Sri Lanka, which has been a hotbed of religious...

Hey, Baby, You Wanna Check Out My Sword?

January 23, 2005
Reuters reports on the Christian “warrior” movement, inspired by author John Eldredge’s bestselling Wild At Heart and descended from poet Robert Bly’s Iron...

Daily Links 23 January 2005

January 23, 2005
Hey, Baby, You Wanna Check Out My Sword? Reuters reports on the Christian “warrior” movement, inspired by author John Eldredge’s...

Daily Links 21 January 2005

January 21, 2005
Rank Something, Anyway Wouldn’t you know — Richard Land is a man of the people. Or so he told NPR’s Terry Gross when...

Daily Links 20 January 2005

January 20, 2005
Talking Heads Live Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and Rev. Jim...

Daily Links 19 January 2005

January 19, 2005
Commercial Censorship Rolling Stone has rejected a pre-scheduled ad for an updated, youth-targeted Bible, published by the country’s largest Bible publisher,...

Daily Links 18 January 2005

January 18, 2005
The Accidental Abductee Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa, the “much-loved” 66-year old head of the archdiocese who was kidnapped at...

Daily Links 16 January 2005

January 16, 2005
Real Live Revealer Today! Revealer contributor Jesse Sunenblick talks live with Robert Howard and Bill Kirkpatrick, filling in for Jean Feraca...

Daily Links 14 January 2005

January 14, 2005
Stickerless Science U.S. Federal Judge Clarence Cooper has dealt a strong blow to the Intelligent Design movement by ruling...

Daily Links 13 January 2005

January 13, 2005
Unbelieve! “Village atheists are as numerous, and as shrill, as they’ve ever been, for the simple reason that the...

It's OK When They Say It

January 12, 2005
Sharlet: CNN may be global, but it sure sounds provincial this morning. I’m watching in the breakfast room of...

What's the Matter with Iraqi Women?

January 11, 2005
Voting against one’s own interests may be an international phenomenon, according toHannah Allam of Knight Ridder Newspapers. Though women make up...

Aceh's Orphans

January 6, 2005
The Indonesian Embassy has had to publically refute the claims of text messages circulating in Singapore, asking Muslim parents to...

Welcome to the Patriot Act

January 5, 2005
An Islamic civil rights group has accused the U.S. border patrol of religious profilingafter American Muslims returning from a religious...

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