Frances Kissling on On Being

January 19, 2011
Frances Kissling, a visiting scholar at University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics and former president of Catholics...

By Association

January 19, 2011
An excerpt from a letter written by Justin Lee, Executive Director of The Gay Christian Network.  (Read more...

From the Mouths of Babes

January 19, 2011
Abby Ohlheiser: Miss Nancy Ellicott smoked And danced all the modern dances; And her aunts were not quite sure...

In Training, NYPD

January 19, 2011
NYPD cops-in-training recently were shown an instructive film, the Village Voice reports.  "The film is called The...

He's Not Heavy

January 18, 2011
"Now I will have to say that, if we don't have the same daddy, we're not brothers and sisters....

Antichoice at the End of Life

January 17, 2011
by Ann Neumann Reposted from The Nation. Last week a regulation to provide Medicare coverage for advance care planning counseling—that...

Heaven for Infiltrators

January 17, 2011
Ashley Makar writes at Tablet about Sudanese refugees in Israel. A clip: The Knesset’s information branch reports that...

Imagination Standing in for Belief

January 14, 2011
by Elissa Lerner If you walk into the Gottesman Exhibition Hall at the New York Public Library right now, you...

Our Sense of Knowing Better

January 14, 2011
From Genevieve Yue's "That Old Time Religion" at Reverse Shot: In 1799, Étienne-Gaspard Robertson premiered the phantasmagoria, a moving...

Theology's Gay

January 14, 2011
Should we argue theology with anti-gay rights folks?

What's in a name?

January 13, 2011
Elissa Lerner: Of all the exciting things the Pope could be talking about this week (the vote in...


January 12, 2011
Abby Ohlheiser: In the collective gasp that followed the shooting in Tucson on Saturday, the story of the ongoing...

Palin's 'Blood Libel'

January 12, 2011
Sarah Palin has a video out this morning that addresses the criticism she's received in the wake of...

He Takes Them Off

January 11, 2011
rom Jill Lepore, at The New York Times News Desk blog: No one knows why Jared Lee Loughner...

Scripture from Narnia

January 11, 2011
Elissa Lerner writes at The New Yorker Book Bench blog: When was the last time you read the Bible? According...

The Past upon Its Throne

January 9, 2011
by Scott Korb A look at Jill Lepore’s The Whites of Their Eyes: The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle...

Masking Huck's Lesson

January 5, 2011
A new version of Huckleberry Finn has been issued; throughout, nigger is replaced with slave.  From The...

Ross Wants Your Snowflakes

January 3, 2011
Mary Valle: My favorite cheek-shaved, neck-bearded Catholic convert, Ross Douthat, weighs in today (sort of? His columns...

Thanks, Dennis Dutton

January 2, 2011
by Jeff Sharlet Head over to Arts & Letters Daily and scroll down the left column to this sad item:...

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