Daily Links 13 June 2005

June 13, 2005
The Yenta What Schooled Her Sharlet: In a few weeks I head up to Boston to answer a few...

Making Torture Beautiful

June 11, 2005
Making Torture Beautiful 11 June 2005 by Jeff Sharlet In 1989, Andres Serrano dunked a crucifix in a vat...

Daily Links 10 June 2005

June 10, 2005
The Church of No Questions How do you get shown the door at one of America’s most powerful megachurches?...

Boycott Fundamentalism

June 10, 2005
There’s just no good term for the cultural movement and political force variously referred to as the “Christian Right,”...

Sermons Most Peculiar

June 9, 2005
Sermons Most Peculiar 09 June 2005 The Revealer‘s been sluggish of late, but we’ve a revival in the works....

What's That You Say?

May 28, 2005
Blogger Slacktivist takes one sentence from Pastor Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals — “They’re pro-free...

26 May 2005 Daily Links

May 26, 2005
Who Will Cry For a Witch? Lilith Saintcrow of God and Consequences reveals, with the help of the Indianapolis...

25 May 2005 Daily Links

May 25, 2005
Making it in America: We received an unusual artifact of religious media in the mail today — a stealth...

The God That Takes

May 25, 2005
“Casimir Pulaski Day” Lyrics by Sufjan Stevens from his forthcoming album, Come On Feel the Illinoise Goldenrod and the...

24 May 2005 Daily Links

May 24, 2005
Prayer Muckraker: Terry Heaton inteviews evangelical leader Brian McLaren on postmodernism, post-colonialism, and what might be called muckraking prayer:...

Love God, or Love Your Ass

May 23, 2005
“If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might, in fact, have sex with it.” — anti-abortion...

Holy Ivy

May 23, 2005
Revealer contributor Holly Berman writes: The New York Times series on class, launched with a statistically compelling, if bloodless,...

Love God, Or Love Your Ass

May 23, 2005
“If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might, in fact, have sex with it.” — anti-abortion...

The Truth About "Jim Wallis"

May 23, 2005
What does the NYTimes‘ Elisabeth Bumiller do when presented with a story that reveals cracks in the Christian right? Why, she calls Jim...

20 May 2005 Daily Links

May 20, 2005
Episcopal Smackdown!: Is Lauren Winner‘s new book on Real Sex (spoiler: only hetero, married whoopee) actually creeping fundamentalism? Astrid...

Destination Christian Nation

May 19, 2005
Sharlet: Spent the morning in an interview with Matthew Wells, a BBC radio reporter who’s been working the evangelical...

The Valuable Value of Values

May 19, 2005
A fine example of the uncritical approach the mainstream press takes to most religion stories can be found in...

18 May 2005 Daily Links

May 18, 2005
Everything but the longing: Peter Bebergal: “I have begun collecting psychedelic music again, almost twenty years after I traded...

Our Reformation

May 12, 2005
The Revealer is taking a blogging break (back next week), and we won’t be Pew-fueled in the future — but...

We're Not Quitting

May 12, 2005
Our Reformation: The Revealer is taking a blogging break (back next week), and we won’t be Pew-fueled in the...

Our Angry Gods

May 5, 2005
Jonathan Edwards and the Making of America By Jeff Sharlet Benjamin Franklin has of late been enjoying some of...

Naughty Talk

May 3, 2005
John Tierney throws some red meat to the mythical red states in his (relatively) new NYT column. Today’s is...


May 3, 2005
Jeff Sharlet: The Revealer will be taking a short break from blogging for a few weeks, but we’ll continue...

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