The A-Team

January 25, 2005
What kind of name for a band of supervillians, or even heroes, is “The Arlington Group“? More dowdy than...

UCC Evangelizes SpongeBob

January 25, 2005
Jesus wouldn’t turn away SpongeBob Squarepants, and neither does the UCC. Rev. John H. Thomas, general minister and president...

Survival of the Fittest

January 25, 2005
How come capitalist Americans, with their love of social Darwinism, and faith in “‘survival of the fittest’ free-market ideology,”...

Don't Play with Sri Lanka

January 24, 2005
Evangelical relief workers have reached Sri Lanka, which has been a hotbed of religious contention since long before the...

Holocaust Denial in Slovakia

January 24, 2005
Religion and Society points to an AP report on a proposal from Slovakia’s Justice Ministry to decriminalize Holocaust denial...

I.D. Update

January 24, 2005
The evolution debate goes on, with The New York Times and The Washington Post both printing anti-“Intelligent Design” editorials...

Alberta What's On Your Mind?

January 24, 2005
In Alberta, one of five provinces left in Canada that has not legalized same-sex marriage, 500 protesters gathered outside...

Washington Times Plans Minstrel Show

January 24, 2005
The Washington Times wins the cultural sensitivity award with Richard S. Ehrlich’s report on “superstitious Thailand,” where Thais are...

Ergo, the Divorce Rate

January 24, 2005
Public Agenda, a non-profit public opinion research organization, has released the results of a new survey and finds that...


January 24, 2005
Yesterday, on the day after the 32nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Boulder’s Sacred Heart of Mary Roman Catholic...

Rank Something, Anyway

January 21, 2005
Wouldn’t you know — Richard Land is a man of the people. Or so he told NPR’s Terry Gross...

Open Letters

January 21, 2005
Leaders of Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical churches, including the leadership of the National Council of Churches, have taken...

Peggy Noonan, Here On Earth

January 21, 2005
Peggy Noonan, former speechwriter to both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, takes a swipe a Junior’s style. The...

Acehnese Amputees

January 21, 2005
Acehnese Muslim tsunami survivors suffering from gangrene are reluctant to submit to amputations, fearing a pre-tsunami perception that amputees...

Episcopal Church Apologizes

January 21, 2005
The U.S. House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church apologized for the hurt it caused the Anglican Communion by...

One Step Forward...

January 21, 2005
Catholic bishops in Spain have recanted on their statement this Tuesday, which allowed that condoms are useful in preventing...

Talking Heads Live

January 20, 2005
Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and Rev. Jim Wallis, founder of...

Reclaiming the Swastika

January 20, 2005
British Hindus hope to reclaim the swastika — a good luck charm and the second-most sacred Hindu symbol —...

Because Cleveland Rocks...

January 20, 2005
The Southern Baptist Convention has chosen the largely Catholic city of Cleveland as its “Strategic Focus City” for the...

God-Talk on I-Day

January 20, 2005
Revealer contributors David Domke (author of God Willing? Political Fundamentalism in the White House, the “War on Terror,” and...

Clifford the Big Gay Plot

January 20, 2005
Could James Dobson be heading back to the fringe? His organization, Focus on the Family and another Christian conservative...

Godhra Report

January 20, 2005
India’s Election Commission has warned politicians that strict action will be taken against those exploiting religion during their election...

Commercial Censorship

January 19, 2005
Rolling Stone has rejected a pre-scheduled ad for an updated, youth-targeted Bible, published by the country’s largest Bible publisher,...

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