Take 'Em To The River

February 16, 2004
The Baptists in Iraq are getting antsy about the U.S. invasion, but not because the crusade isn’t going according...

Saturday Psalm

February 14, 2004
“The preaching is Baptist, long and good, about the generations springing up and being cut down like grass. The...

Fleshiness Theology

February 12, 2004
“‘There’s something very important about the fleshiness of Jesus,'” says Jay Johnson, a theologian at the Pacific School of Religion’s Center...

Look Away!

February 11, 2004
Snow day! Secret high holy day! Vacation! Technical difficulties. Move along. Nothing to see here. Meantime, entertain yourselves with...

Get It? Got It. Good.

February 10, 2004
The Revealer welcomes some competition in the religion-press-critique business from GetReligion.org, a new blog edited by Doug LeBlanc and written, for the most...

Prayers Big and Small

February 8, 2004
The-God-of-Small-Things is a blog maintained by someone named Bob. As far as we can tell, it has one entry — a...

Without a Peg

February 6, 2004
Faiza Saleh Ambah of The Christian Science Monitor concluded her five-part series on making the hajj yesterday. An hour after the last...

Keep It To Yourself

February 6, 2004
Gregg Easterbrook writes: “I’ll tell you what shakes my belief. Not natural selection; not the evil and injustice of the...

Ca-razy for Kabbalah

February 5, 2004
David Klinghoffer writes erudite but peculiar books. In one, he recalled his teenage self-circumcision as part of a “conversion” experience...

Ooga-Booga Christians

February 5, 2004
Are evangelicals real, or just a story to scare the children of the Upper West Side? 60 Minutes ponders, Wonkette investigates. As it...

Passion Pieces

February 4, 2004
Every day for months now, some pundit, some critic, some tired Godbeat reporter looking for a brush with celebrity,...

Framing Power

February 4, 2004
Diane Winston cites scholar Richard Flory on the roots of the media’s problem with the “r” word: “In the early 20th century,...

Hajj, Tragic & Trivial

February 2, 2004
The dead: “54 Indonesians, 36 Pakistanis, 13 Egyptians, 11 Turks, 11 Indians, 10 Algerians, 10 Bangladeshis, eight Sudanese, seven...

The "R" Word

February 2, 2004
There’s a valuable comparison to be found by slogging through this week’s New Yorker lead story (print only), by the normally-astute Jon...

The Salvation Scoop

February 2, 2004
The New York Times reports today that what The Salvation Army is really all about (the New York division, at least) is,...

What's in a Name?

January 30, 2004
“Satanic hysteria” is such an interesting phrase, with so many possibilities. The coffee clerk who brought it up at...

Passionate Letters

January 28, 2004
The Revealer likes to harp on a theme, a rather vague notion of democratic religion writing — the sort practiced...


January 27, 2004
An exceptionally poor Associated Press report last week paired the news of a Catholic priest’s arrest in Ohio for growing pot with...

Guinea Pigs

January 26, 2004
Brian Larkin, an anthropologist at Barnard College and a member of the Center for Religion and Media, writes The Revealer with this...

Crazy for Crosses

January 26, 2004
Follow your dreams” is a popular theme in teen magazines, but Brio, dedicated to “challenging teen girls toward a healthy...

Clock Watchers

January 22, 2004
The “Readings” section of the Harper’s February edition points The Revealer toward this peculiar prayer: Father God, we ask your blessings on our...

Relapsed Catholic

January 21, 2004
The Revealer is still sick. Check back tomorrow, please; and in the meantime, visit our friend Kathy Shaidle at Relapsed Catholic. Kathy was...


January 21, 2004
21 January 2004 Iviews offers Muslim news and analysis with a non-religious focus. The Islamic Broadcasting Network offers live and archived...


January 20, 2004
The Revealer has a fever today, so high I’ve been haunted by fever dreams of George W. Bush leading an orange-robed choir...

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