Updating Left Behind

April 11, 2011
Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins' bestselling series, Left Behind, is getting book cover and content updates that...

Creating Shari'ah Panic

March 31, 2011
As Adam Sewer of WaPo writes, a new report by The Center for American Progress debunks anti-shari'ah rhetoric....

Tolerance Makes Kids Gay

March 27, 2011
"Tolerance" is considered a general good, an aspirational goal that, when done right, ameliorates violence and promotes understanding.  But...

Two Sides to Prejudice?

March 5, 2011
Last Wednesday the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released a weeks-old video of an incident that took place...

Terri Schiavo Goes to NASCAR

March 5, 2011
The Revealer's founding editor, Jeff Sharlet, wrote in our mission statement in 2003, "Belief matters, whether or not...

Jewish Pride

March 3, 2011
Declared love for Hitler by fashion designer John Galliano has made Natalie Portman say that she is an individual...

God's Labor in Wisconsin

February 23, 2011
Becky Garrison (who writes for The Revealer sometimes) looks at the outspokenness of a Wisconsin Catholic Bishop regarding...

Mainstreaming Conservatism

February 16, 2011
Kristina Loew: From movies to music, conservative voices have cornered the tween scene, that 12 - 13 year old...

America Has a Muslim Problem

February 13, 2011
Mary Slossen, a fellow at the USC Annenberg School for Communication Journalism blogs at their site, The Scoop,...

Women's Rights in Egypt

February 7, 2011
"The Mubarak regime is more dangerous to women than the Muslim Brotherhood." Listen to renown feminist Dr. Nawal...

Ronald Reagan, Of Thee We Sing

February 6, 2011
Today marks the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth, a centennial to surpass all centennials, complete with a

Let My People Go

February 6, 2011
In a recent interview Egyptian-born journalist Mona Eltahawy tells Bill Maher (notoriously anti-religion, Maher so often perfectly demonstrates the confounding...

Evangelicals and The Gay

February 6, 2011
Jay Bakker's going out on a limb for The Gays.  In his new book,  Fall to Grace:  A...

Whose Revolution Is It Anyway?

February 4, 2011
Slate gives us a don't-miss slideshow of Mubarak's biggest U.S. fans.  Gawker tallies up the conspiracy theories...

Egyptian Experience

February 3, 2011
My friend Sam is in Egypt.  Here's an excerpt from his recent blog post which can also be...

Eyes on Egypt: What to Watch

February 3, 2011
Abby Ohlheiser and Jessamy Klapper:  Below are some of the writers and resources we've been using to track the...

Cairo Cops

February 2, 2011
My friend, Sam, who live son a houseboat on the Nile writes: As the protesters marched forward some policemen were...

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