Feature, Review

Ammo for his Enemy

September 30, 2004
Frank Rich accidentally writes a Republican’s dream review. It’s a shame the job of disassembling George W. Bush: Faith in...

"The Question of God" Questioned

September 14, 2004
Notes from Dr. Armand Nicholi’s militant past. By Jeff Sharlet PBS’s latest God offering — “The Question of God,”...

Godzilla, Born Again

May 29, 2004
The original Godzilla, a parable of atomic hubris, is playing in America for the first time. Is its hero...

The Second Coming of the Dawn of the Dead

April 12, 2004
Mel Gibson, wrote Chris Lehmann in reviewing The Passion for The Revealer, turned to the aesthetics of horror to spread his religion. Now Adam H. Becker explains...

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