Daily Links: Big Fat Tolerance Edition

March 15, 2012
Russian gay extremists; Patronizing employers; A Brownback woman; Jesus' juice; Milquetoast Patel; Other, the world's 12th religion; Liberty wolves;...

Birth Control! For Everybody!

January 20, 2012
Ashley Baxstrom: Ladies, let's celebrate! Check out this breaking blog post from Think Progress: Obama administration approves rule that...

Daily Links

November 4, 2011
Laura Larson writes at States of Formation about the business of making monsters: Through political rhetoric and sensationalized reporting,...

The Bishops, Proving Me Right

June 21, 2011
I shouldn't take any credit for predicting the actions of the most predictable institution on the globe, but I'll...

Extreme Adultery

April 29, 2011
In case you Twilight fans were wondering, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film and...

My Catholic Conscience

April 7, 2011
We've been here before. And no, it didn't work then either. by Jon O'Brien Like others, I am deeply concerned...

Timothy Dolan Reader

November 19, 2010
A lot of commentary is stacking up about this week's upset appointment of New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan to...

The Official Catholic Twilight Review

July 3, 2010
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops Office of Film and Broadcasting (evaluating "according to artistic merit and moral suitability") has...

A Threat to Catholic Unity

June 9, 2010
In the June 18th issue of the Catholic publication Commonweal, the magazine's editors address a recent "remarkably defensive" letter...

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