The Longest Hunger Strike

January 15, 2013
By Ann Neumann There are two places in the U.S. where you can be fed against your will: a...

The Third Baptism

November 8, 2010
Sarah Sentilles writes at Religion Dispatches today that Trevor Case's alleged waterboarding of his girlfriend is unsurprising...

Making Torture Beautiful

June 11, 2005
Making Torture Beautiful 11 June 2005 by Jeff Sharlet In 1989, Andres Serrano dunked a crucifix in a vat...

The Menstrual Technique

February 10, 2005
The Washington Post follows AP’s lead a week late in reporting on sexual interrogation tactics used at Guantanomo to religiously...

Open Letter to Gonzales

January 5, 2005
225 Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh leaders, organized by Church Folks for a Better America, have written an open...

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