Is God Dead Yet?

July 25, 2017
Jake Smith asks "What are we really mourning when we say that 'God is Dead'?"

Same God, Different Freedoms?

February 19, 2016
Ryan T. Woods reports on the case of Dr. Larycia Hawkins and the fraught entanglement of religious...

Theology's Gay

January 14, 2011
Should we argue theology with anti-gay rights folks?

Tea Party Theology

October 27, 2010
From "Is the Tea Party becoming a religious movement?" by Jeff Sharlet at CNN. Liberals and centrists wring their...

He Is Stanley Hauerwas

July 23, 2010
Hannah’s Child: A Theologian’s Memoir, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company (2010) $24.99 Reviewed by Jack Downey Stanley Hauerwas finds himself in a...

Feminism and Theology

June 25, 2010
Don't miss Susan Henking's article today at Religion Dispatches on second wave feminism, theology, and gender equality in...

Revising Night

January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Elie Wiesel and the Hazards of Holocaust Theology By Peter Manseau  Editors’ note: This essay was...

Saint More

January 3, 2006
03 January 2006 The Guardian re-names Thomas More the patron saint of “liars and bullies,” on the occasion of two...

The Theology of Domestic Spying

December 21, 2005
21 December 2005 The ongoing revelations of the Bush administration’s domestic spying don’t make for a religion story, but...

Lazy At Heart

October 28, 2003
There’s a bestselling book out there advising men to reclaim their masculine souls from the clutches of a feminized...

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