Numbers Lie: Hacking at Islam

September 30, 2011
Numbers never tell the whole story--which is why liberal pleas to rely solely on science and facts carry so...

Creating Shari'ah Panic

March 31, 2011
As Adam Sewer of WaPo writes, a new report by The Center for American Progress debunks anti-shari'ah rhetoric....

Let My People Go

February 6, 2011
In a recent interview Egyptian-born journalist Mona Eltahawy tells Bill Maher (notoriously anti-religion, Maher so often perfectly demonstrates the confounding...

Sharia Creeps

January 30, 2011
MoJo‘s Tim Murphy does the Shari’ah in America round-up so we don’t have to.

Discrimination Pays

August 5, 2010
Got a strong hatred for a faith other than your own?  Forget finding tolerance; find a book agent!  

Muslims at Ground Zero

August 4, 2010
Yesterday, plans to build a Muslim religious center near Ground Zero were approved. Later in the day, Mayor...

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