Sunday at St. Blog's

March 28, 2004
Last Thursday, The Revealer shared a stage at the Yale Divinity School with a panel of journalists talking about “The Belief Beat.” Among...

Enlightening Iraq

February 17, 2004
We suppose it should come as no surprise that The Salt Lake Tribune, using a Combined News Service report, should give...

Saturday Psalm

February 14, 2004
“The preaching is Baptist, long and good, about the generations springing up and being cut down like grass. The...

Get It? Got It. Good.

February 10, 2004
The Revealer welcomes some competition in the religion-press-critique business from, a new blog edited by Doug LeBlanc and written, for the most...

Prayers Big and Small

February 8, 2004
The-God-of-Small-Things is a blog maintained by someone named Bob. As far as we can tell, it has one entry — a...

Radio Free Revealer

February 5, 2004
The Revealer is delighted to announce that a radio show featuring two associates of the Center for Religion and Media — Ann Pellegrini and Janet...

Framing Power

February 4, 2004
Maybe religion reporters aren’t so stupid, after all. By Diane Winston I understand Chris Smith’s frustration with the secular...

Passionate Letters

January 28, 2004
The Revealer likes to harp on a theme, a rather vague notion of democratic religion writing — the sort practiced...

Getting It All Wrong

January 14, 2004
The other day The Revealer was on a radio show with an otherwise very clever journalist who noted that far more...

What We Don't Know, and Why

January 14, 2004
Religiously Ignorant Journalists By Christian Smith Today I received a phone message from a journalist from a major Dallas...

Journalism is Itself a Religion

January 8, 2004
A Theological Investigation By Jay Rosen “In my view, journalism is a secular enterprise, and there is no specifically...

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