The Passion of Constantine

February 22, 2005
Next to Constantine, Mel Gibson’s The Passion is an episode of Spongebob Squarepants. In Constantine, Keanu Reeves as the titular, demon-slaying hero visits...

Daily Links 02 November 2004

November 2, 2004
For Those About to Rock Billboard: GOP would rather you did not rock the vote, thank you very much....

Passion Prequel

March 31, 2004
We lied: Tonight’s South Park is not the last word on The Passion. Our friend John D. Spalding, author of A Pilgrim’s Digress, has just...

Bach v. Mel

February 29, 2004
Prepare yourself for heresy: Mel Gibson is the Johann Sebastian Bach of the 21st century. We leave it to others to compare their...

Rising and Falling

February 26, 2004
Can it be true? He is risen and she is fallen — which is to say, Mel‘s commercial ressurrection is...

A Yellow Star for Mel

February 25, 2004
At last — the big day for what may be the biggest religion story in 2,000 years — the...

Ransom Theory

February 22, 2004
Here’s a line you wouldn’t expect to find in the pages of a major secular daily: “The Gospel of...

A Grateful Jew

February 18, 2004
As we type, film critic Michael Medved is on CNN explaining the problem with Mel Gibson‘s Passion. What’s the problem? The Jews. CNN brought Medved,...

Passion Pieces

February 4, 2004
Every day for months now, some pundit, some critic, some tired Godbeat reporter looking for a brush with celebrity,...

Don't Go There, Jews

November 4, 2003
To the barricades, Christian soldiers: Christianity Today’s editors predict that Mel Gibson’s Passion “will provoke exactly the same number of anti-Semitic incidents as [Campus...

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