
Apologetic Islam

November 29, 2004
Apologetic Islam 29 November 2004 Natana J. Delong-Bas, Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad(New York: Oxford University...

Daily Links 10 November 2004

November 10, 2004
Let It Boil Bob Jones U. has a glorious message for Bush, lest he be tempted to the “paganism”...

26 September 2004 Daily Links

September 26, 2004
The Last Temptation of Shazia:’s Priya Jain interviews controversial female Muslim stand-up comic, Shazia Mirza, whose act — often focusing on...

23 September 2004 Daily Links

September 23, 2004
“‘If one'” — that’d be a gay person — “‘ever looks at me'” — and that would be Jimmy...

31 August 2004 Daily Links

August 31, 2004
“The funniest philosopher of all time”? Scott McLemee, at The Chronicle of Higher Education, reviews The Humor of Kierkegaard: An Anthology (Princeton University...

27 August 2004 Daily Links

August 27, 2004
Last week an Islamist women’s group launched a monthly online magazine, Al-Khansaa, aimed at recruiting Arab women jihadis to fight...

20 August 2004 Daily Links

August 20, 2004
Tired of Deal Hudson? Much better Catholic writing is to be found in V.Y. Mudimbe‘s story atWords Without Borders, a...

12 August 2004 Daily Links

August 12, 2004
The Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf has had a dual historical role as both holy shrine and rallying point...

06 July 2004 Daily Links

July 6, 2004
U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler has ruled that the federal agency that oversees AmeriCorps must stop financing programs that...

05 July 2004 Daily Links

July 5, 2004
“You have to change with the times,” says megachurch pastor Joel Osteen. “If Jesus were here he’d change with...

19 June 2004 Daily Links

June 19, 2004
The Islamist website that last Wednesday posted threats to kill American hostage Paul Johnson yesterday posted photographs of his...

A Pigroast in Cordoba

April 19, 2004
A short report in last week’s Financial Times (subscriber only; click on #42 here to sign up for a free trial) describes one...

Hajj, Tragic & Trivial

February 2, 2004
The dead: “54 Indonesians, 36 Pakistanis, 13 Egyptians, 11 Turks, 11 Indians, 10 Algerians, 10 Bangladeshis, eight Sudanese, seven...


January 21, 2004
21 January 2004 Iviews offers Muslim news and analysis with a non-religious focus. The Islamic Broadcasting Network offers live and archived...

Cows -- Sacred, Mad, and Bad

January 12, 2004
Religious fascism is a funny thing. Well, not really, but it is peculiar, especially in India, where to be...

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