
Holocaust Tourism's Popularity

July 22, 2021Daniel P. Reynolds
A book excerpt from Postcards from Auschwitz: Holocaust Tourism and the Meaning of Remembrance

On Objects, Trauma, and Loss

February 4, 2021Kali Handelman, Laura Levitt
Kali Handelman interviews Laura Levitt about her new book, The Objects That Remain

The Persistence of Arendt

April 16, 2011
At Tikkun, Ralph Seliger re-examines the legacy of Hannah Arendt, the Jewish-German philosopher often shorthanded as an ardent...

Flaunting Malignant Brilliance

September 21, 2010
by Adam H. Becker A Film Unfinished (2010, 90 min), directed by Yael Hersonski, is about footage shot in the...

Common Good Death Camps

May 29, 2010
Yesterday Glenn Beck struck out at Simon Greer, President and CEO of Jewish Funds for Justice for...

Revising Night

January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Elie Wiesel and the Hazards of Holocaust Theology By Peter Manseau  Editors’ note: This essay was...

Argentina Re-Jewvenation

October 26, 2005
Daniel Helft of Bloomberg News reports on the progress of Argentine Jews who, 60 to 70 years after a secret 1938...

Daily Links 24 January 2005

January 24, 2005
Don’t Play with Sri Lanka Evangelical relief workers have reached Sri Lanka, which has been a hotbed of religious...

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