How Far is Heaven?

December 19, 2005
19 December 2005 Barbara Walters doesn’t want her afterlife special, “Heaven: Where Is It? How Do We Get There?”...

To Kill a Megachurch?

December 5, 2005
05 December 2005 An intriguing story from The Guardian about an mission-minded evangelical megachurch from Nigeria settling among the...

The War on Christmas is Always Now

November 22, 2005
The ACLU didn’t steal Christmas, but don’t think that’s about to stop Jerry Falwell in his remarkably unoriginal new...

Bork You

October 19, 2005
“There is a great deal more to constitutional law than hostility to Roe.” Zing! Says who? Robert Bork, the...

Key Dobson

October 10, 2005
10 October 2005 The Boston Globe launches a three-part series on “key evangelical leaders” with a solid reporton James Dobson of Focus on...

Assassination Fascination

August 25, 2005
Christianity Today‘s Ted Olsen reports on the Robertson “scandal” the right way: by following the money (scroll down to...

Daily Links 09 August 2005

August 9, 2005
Polish Your Headship From Vision Forum, a San Antonio-based organization that offers books, toys, retreats, and “biblical law” training sessions...

Daily Links 24 January 2005

January 24, 2005
Don’t Play with Sri Lanka Evangelical relief workers have reached Sri Lanka, which has been a hotbed of religious...

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