ID Roundup

November 29, 2005
Intelligent Design advocates’ tactic of painting their opponents’ pro-evolution arguments as another belief-set or religion — a tactic well-honed...

USAID, Christ and Liberty

November 29, 2005
William Fisher, who has worked on economic programs in developing nations for the U.S. State Department and the U.S....

The War on Christmas is Always Now

November 22, 2005
The ACLU didn’t steal Christmas, but don’t think that’s about to stop Jerry Falwell in his remarkably unoriginal new...


November 21, 2005
The New York Times’ Carolyn Marshall does an admirable job of refereeing in her latest story, about a pending...

Under Attack

November 21, 2005
According to a survey commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League, “American Attitudes Toward Religion in the Public Square,” nearly two-thirds...

Assimilation Nation

November 21, 2005
“‘What’s happening now in the Islamic community is very similar to what was happening in the 1920s and ’30s…with...

Pagan Filters

November 18, 2005
The Wildhunt Blog reads between the lines of this Herald Tribune story describing a forum on religion in public...

Muzzle Men

November 18, 2005
A petition organized by Jay Sekulow, of the conservative action group American Center for Law and Justice, which is...

The Unusual Plan B

November 17, 2005
A USA Today editorial makes the case that religion is the prime mover at the Food and Drug Administration,...

It's a Celebration

November 16, 2005
“Finally, a day in which we can come together and celebrate God’s eternal moral law.” Mark your calendars for...

Kansas: The Truth is Out There

November 15, 2005
Nearly ten months after the Kansas State Board of Education proposed altering the definition of “science” for statewide standards,...

Newdow Files Again

November 14, 2005
Michael Newdow files again, this time taking aim at the “In God We Trust” motto on U.S. currency. Newdow...

Australian Design

November 14, 2005
All this past year, Australian culture wars have been following the U.S. playbook faithfully, erupting over gay marriage, public...

Pat Will Survive

November 11, 2005
Pat Robertson warns Dover voters not to be surprised — nor to ask for divine help — if God...

White Knights Embarass Texas

November 10, 2005
A handful of representatives of the “White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan” and the World Church of the...

People At War

October 27, 2005
By Rebecca Beyer First, there is no war in Dover, Pennsylvania. There are no armies clashing. No weapons flashing....


October 26, 2005
‘Tis the season for embarrassing hysterics over occultism and the cruel, intimidating tactics of devil-worshipping trick-or-treaters. In the spirit...

Oh, My Godcast!

August 29, 2005
The NYT offers up as evidence that consumer hi-tech is the most awesome force in, like, history the new...

A Time Before the Word "Fuck"

July 15, 2005
Bernard Goldberg became a hero of the right when he published Bias, his insider account of what he argues...

18 May 2005 Daily Links

May 18, 2005
Everything but the longing: Peter Bebergal: “I have begun collecting psychedelic music again, almost twenty years after I traded...

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