Bachmann's "Evangelical Feminism"

June 30, 2011
Kathryn Montalbano: What is meant by "feminist"--the inherently problematic, unfixed term that often causes pangs of discomfort when mustered...

April 4, 2011
States of Devotion, a publication of NYU's Hemispheric Institute edited by Ann Pellegrini, has a new "dossier" of articles...

Assessing the Culture Warriors

February 17, 2011
From Tim Muldoon's article at WaPo's On Faith blog, "Faltering and Leading: The Conservative Moment," in which Muldoon...

Mainstreaming Conservatism

February 16, 2011
Kristina Loew: From movies to music, conservative voices have cornered the tween scene, that 12 - 13 year old...

The New Slavery

January 25, 2011
It may be altogether historically inaccurate, but the equation of abortion to slavery is a compelling argument for abortion...

38 Years

January 22, 2011
My naive questions on this anniversary of Roe v. Wade are: Why, when organized anti-abortion groups are predominantly evangelical/fundamentalist/orthodox...

What's In a Title?

January 21, 2011
Andy Kopsa writes about the awkward title of a fantastic and haunting article by Sarah Blustain at Mother...

Frances Kissling on On Being

January 19, 2011
Frances Kissling, a visiting scholar at University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics and former president of Catholics...

Our Sense of Knowing Better

January 14, 2011
From Genevieve Yue's "That Old Time Religion" at Reverse Shot: In 1799, Étienne-Gaspard Robertson premiered the phantasmagoria, a moving...

Ross Wants Your Snowflakes

January 3, 2011
Mary Valle: My favorite cheek-shaved, neck-bearded Catholic convert, Ross Douthat, weighs in today (sort of? His columns...

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