Merry Christmas to Me!

November 30, 2011
Mary Valle:  All I really want for Christmas is to watch "The Exorcist" with Fr. Gabriele Amorth.  I...

Immoral Halloween Temptations

October 27, 2011
Amy Levin: Last week, rushing through the Atlantic-Pacific terminal in Brooklyn, I passed my usual underground subway Jesus cheerleader,...

Daily Links: Apocalypse Edition

October 20, 2011
Click right over to Mary Valle's latest at Killing the Buddha on "A Kinder, Gentler Apocalypse."  Of the...

Abbey Sweet Abbey

October 5, 2011
Mary Valle: Via Elizabeth Castelli, here's a look at a mostly-gutted, vacant and ready-for-finishin' disused Anglican convent. Apparently...

Discarded Theologians

August 1, 2011
A quick shout-out to Bilgrimage, a blog by theologian William D. Lindsey, that recently linked an article by...

Ross Wants Your Snowflakes

January 3, 2011
Mary Valle: My favorite cheek-shaved, neck-bearded Catholic convert, Ross Douthat, weighs in today (sort of? His columns...

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