Happy Birthday Zionism

April 25, 2012
Amy Levin: Given that today and tomorrow mark two extremely important national holidays in Israel beginning with

Santorum's Holy Sanctum

February 29, 2012
Amy Levin: I’m not sure God would be too happy with Santorum lately - I mean, it’s one thing...

Charity's Faith Problem

February 7, 2012
Amy Levin:  What’s wrong with charity? Well, nothing, if you’re Mitt Romney and your definition of charity is giving...

Vegan Criminals

November 17, 2011
Amy Levin: You're in jail.  What will you eat on Thanksgiving day?  Most media coverage of religion in prison over...

Muslim Drag

November 15, 2011
Amy Levin: What would Muslim drag look like? Something like this? Yesterday, the AHA Foundation shared a...

Immoral Halloween Temptations

October 27, 2011
Amy Levin: Last week, rushing through the Atlantic-Pacific terminal in Brooklyn, I passed my usual underground subway Jesus cheerleader,...

I Like My Guns and My Bible

October 20, 2011
Amy Levin: From suggesting that his tax code is modeled on Sim City 4, to the new twitter...

In Praise of Capital

October 6, 2011
Amy Levin:  Marching down Lafayette yesterday, surrounded by hundreds of #occupywallstreet protesters, I experienced what many in my shoes...

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