12 August 2004 Daily Links

August 12, 2004
The Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf has had a dual historical role as both holy shrine and rallying point...

Empty Boots

July 27, 2004
Revealer publisher Jay Rosen at the DNC: “On Tuesday morning I encountered one of the most effective acts of political protest I...

14 June 2004 Daily Links

June 14, 2004
Flag Day special: Supreme Court rules that God is good, at least as far as the Pledge is concerned. Well, not...

The Third Martyr

June 4, 2004
The pictures from Abu Ghraib won’t just change the course of the war, writes Ali Eteraz — they may transform Islam....

How to See Evil

May 6, 2004
Why do so many Americans believe that Saddam supported Al Qaeda when even the White House denies it? The...

Welcome to the Pantheon

May 5, 2004
Thomas Hamill escapes from Iraq and gets drafted into the cult of American Heroes. By Jeff Sharlet First there...

The "Freedom" of "Religion"

April 14, 2004
A daily collage of religion in the news from the war.  “None of these acts is the work of a religion....

What does the Mehdi Army Believe?

April 7, 2004
UPDATE: “River,” an Iraqi blogger, writes: “If the situation weren’t so frightening, it would almost be amusing to see Al-Hakeem and...

Where's the Why?

April 4, 2004
Why is the American press ignoring the role of religion in Iraq? The question bears that blunt a phrasing...


April 1, 2004
A NEW DAILY FEATURE With only a few exceptions, the Western press and the elite Arab press are reporting...

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