Daily Links 08 November 2004

November 8, 2004
Gary Hart Preaches The prophetic voice of the moment comes from… Gary Hart? Who wouldda thunk? And yet here...

Daily Links 02 November 2004

November 2, 2004
For Those About to Rock Billboard: GOP would rather you did not rock the vote, thank you very much....

Daily Links 01 November 2004

November 1, 2004
Gimme That Old-Time Moral Clarity More moral clarity on true evil. Matthew Yglesias reports, “Rep. Peter King, one of our moderate’...

Daily Links October 25 2004

October 25, 2004
If Hitler Was a Blogger What if you had a “best blog contest” and Hitler won? Neo-Nazis will have...

Daily Links October 11 2004

October 11, 2004
GOP Candidate on Lesbo Bathroom Action BREAKING NEWS!!! Oklahoma GOP Senate candidate Dr. Tom Coburn announces that southeast Oklahoma is THE place...

Daily Links October 9 2004

October 9, 2004
Dispatches From Printland Dispatches from printland: Kelefa Sanneh, a new contributor to The New Yorker, outdoes all the old hands with...

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