
Sam Brownback Is A Fruit

February 2, 2006
02 February 2006 On biblical literacy, bigotry, the price of grain, real estate in Tbilisi, free market cheetahs, and...

Half/Life: Jew-Ish Tales

January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Sharlet: Publishers Weekly reviews Revealer contributor Laurel Snyder‘s new edited volume, Half/Life: Jew-Ish Tales From Interfaith Homes.”‘Half’ is an interesting, incorrigible, perplexing...


January 26, 2006
26 January 2006 Senator Sam Brownback’s democracy: “‘This, [he says,] being senator, running for president, waving the flag of...

Poppa's Got A Brand New Sword

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 Fundamentalists get Freudian, for real. “With the right hand of my righteousness.” Do you experience erectile...

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