Married White Female

December 29, 2005
Married White Female 29 December 2005 Outside of Washington and evangelical circles, Concerned Women for America don’t rate much...

You Say Jesus, I Say Geezus!

December 29, 2005
29 December 2005 Sharlet: One of my colleagues here at The Revealer saw more virtue in Sylvia Topp’s Village...

New Virgins

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet responds to Jeremy Lott about the importance of chastity to the Christian conservative movement, on Beliefnet.

This Is Not What It Seems

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Sharlet: I’ve a short item on Harriet Miers’ church, Valley View Christian, coming out in an upcoming...

Pitbull Press

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Sharlet: 10 minutes after I write a Revealer item wondering why the press failed to notice the white...

"The Rest of the Goddamn Nation"

September 2, 2005
Those aren’t the words of a starving prisoner of the New Orleans Superdome, radicalized by the realization that he...

Daily Links 12 August 2005

August 12, 2005
Son of Justice Sunday This weekend (Aug. 13-14) on your NPR affiliate: The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet talks with Brooke Gladstone...

Sex as a Weapon

June 22, 2005
22 June 2005 Decoding the Literature of the Christian Men’s Movement By Jeff Sharlet (Published in Nerve, April 25, 2005)...

You Say Satan, I say Seitan

June 19, 2005
You Say Satan, I Say Seitan 19 June 2005 Sharlet: Minor stir on the Godbeat around what can only be...

Making Torture Beautiful

June 11, 2005
Making Torture Beautiful 11 June 2005 by Jeff Sharlet In 1989, Andres Serrano dunked a crucifix in a vat...

Our Angry Gods

May 5, 2005
Jonathan Edwards and the Making of America By Jeff Sharlet Benjamin Franklin has of late been enjoying some of...

Radio On

April 25, 2005
Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet discusses his cover story from the May issue of Harper’s, “Soldiers of Christ: Inside America’s Most Powerful Megachurch,” tonight...

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