Daily Links 14 December 2004

December 14, 2004
Shepard Reports Called “Anti-Christian” NBC News has refused a request from Focus on the Family that Today Show host Katie Couric...

Daily Links 09 December 2004

December 9, 2004
Special Ops Bible Chuck Currie points to this Sojourners story on a new custom-line of Bibles that the Defense Department has commissioned...

Daily Links December 06 2004

December 6, 2004
“When the holy mother sizzle is the only sound you hear” Golden Palace, the casino that bought the “Virgin...

Daily Links 02 December 2004

December 2, 2004
Against Spirituality Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet on the CBC (Canadian public radio) program “Tapestry,” Sunday, December 5, at 2:05 p.m....

Here on Earth, Right Now

August 22, 2004
Today at 3 pm eastern time (and thereafter online): Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet on Wisconsin’s Public Radio’s “Here on Earth, with Jean Feraca,” to discuss...

Our Favorite Demon

June 28, 2004
Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet celebrates I.B. Singer’s 100th birthday – and the demons with which he populated his stories — in the...

How to Handicap the Lord

June 22, 2004
By Jeff Sharlet: Religion in politics: David Brooks “gets it” as usual, and once he’s got it — the...

Welcome to the Pantheon

May 5, 2004
Thomas Hamill escapes from Iraq and gets drafted into the cult of American Heroes. By Jeff Sharlet First there...

The Buddha-Whale

May 5, 2004
The good people at Powell’s, the best-stocked independent bookstore in America, requested a tour report from my Killing the Buddha co-author Peter...

The Difficulties of Genocide

April 9, 2004
On the tenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet looks at the memorials and morality tales on offer...

Bloggercon Gets Religion

April 6, 2004
Jeff Sharlet, editor of The Revealer, writes: I’ll be moderating a discussion session on religion, spirituality, and God blogs at Bloggercon,...

The Apocalypse is Always Now

March 29, 2004
On the eve of Glorious Appearing, the final installment of the bestselling Left Behind series, a true tale of the apocalypse from Revealer editor Jeff...

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