Letters to God

December 15, 2005
15 December 2005 Yesterday, Israeli mailmen performed their semi-annual delivery of letters to God, which, like U.S. letters to...

Red Crystal

December 6, 2005
06 December 2005 Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Star of David, Red Crystal? Diplomats from 192 countries are meeting...

Last Supper Swap Meet

October 13, 2005
13 October 2005 The Vatican has proposed a swap with the Israeli government, trading an historic synagogue in Spain (which is...

Ted Haggard's Big Israeli Adventure

July 1, 2005
Confusing news from the Jewish Forward: the National Association of Evangelicals is set to announce a new, more pro-Palestinian...

The Orange Star

January 3, 2005
“‘We had to use the heaviest tools we had in order to shock the State of Israel. As someone...

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