Senseless Gestures

August 16, 2010
"My friend (if I may still call him that) believed in humanity, and so he also believed in order,...

His Left Hand

July 5, 2010
José Saramago, a Portuguese writer and Nobel Prize winner, died last month.  He was 87.  From Baltasar and Blimunda,...

My God! Abramoff.

January 16, 2006
16 January 2006 “‘After reading the e-mail, it became pretty obvious he was putting money before God. We are...

Daily Links 29 August 2005

August 29, 2005
Oh, My Godcast! The NYT offers up as evidence that consumer hi-tech is the most awesome force in, like, history the...

Daily Links 17 December 2004

December 17, 2004
Just Like a Greek Tragedy Not content with proving the existence of God, Google aims to recreate His mind. Mob Morality Stoner...

27 June 2004 Daily Links

June 27, 2004
“‘In heaven there is no beer, that’s why we drink it here.'” The National Enquirer stumbles into Denver’s prayerful nightclub, The...

Do You Believe in Blog?

April 15, 2004
Two days to Bloggercon, the open conference on weblogs convened by Dave Winer, a blog innovator and a fellow at the...

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