Wingspread Declaration

January 27, 2006
27 January 2006 Scott Jaschik from Inside Higher Ed reports on “The Wingspread Declaration on Religion and Public Life: Engaging Higher...

Salt Lake Evolution

January 23, 2006
23 January 2006 The Utah Senate initially approved a bill last Friday that would make public school teachers include anti-evolution caveats...

Constitutional Abstention

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 In a lawsuit filed last month in Georgia, a 10th grade student, Jessica Bradley, and her...

Philosophy of Design

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 Intelligent Design gets set for another trial, with a group of California parents suing a rural...

UW Bible Study

December 13, 2005
13 December 2005 Today, the Wisconsin legislature will meet for an informational session regarding the “Bible-studies ban” controversy at...

Classics for Christians

December 13, 2005
13 December 2005 With yesterday’s hearing on the motion to dismiss a case brought by Calvary Chapel Christian Schools...

Suburb v. Suburb

December 12, 2005
12 December 2005 The Washington Post travels to Cobb County, Georgia, the Atlanta suburb with a remarkable proclivity for...

Kansas Chill

December 6, 2005
06 December 2005 Although University of Kansas religion professor Paul Mirecki’s controversial course, “Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design...


November 21, 2005
The New York Times’ Carolyn Marshall does an admirable job of refereeing in her latest story, about a pending...

Xian Ed 101: How to Eat Spotted Owl

September 22, 2005
“When asked how they heard about Summit [Christian defense workshops for college students], several students can’t remember. ‘Everyone knows...

Holy Ivy

May 23, 2005
Revealer contributor Holly Berman writes: The New York Times series on class, launched with a statistically compelling, if bloodless,...

Bible Studies

May 2, 2005
Bartholomew reads Agape Press so you don’t have to, and returns to the world with news of the weird...

Who's Afraid of the Holy Ghost?

April 12, 2005
In a set of guidelines for religious education released this week in England, teachers have been instructed to avoid...

AIO's Red Pill

March 1, 2005
The attorneys involved in the dispute between the University of North Carolina and an evangelical Christian fraternity at the...

Daily Links 16 November 2004

November 16, 2004
From Prophetic to Prosaic Last June, the National Association of Evangelicals’ draft of new political guidelines for Christian civic...

Daily Links 04 November 2004

November 4, 2004
Canterbury Ale Monks and friars have long been among the best brewmasters, and the old heart of the Church...

12 July 2004 Daily Links

July 12, 2004
UPN affiliate refuses to air a new reality show called Amish in the City; conservative Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) says Take that, liberal...

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