"Giving Voice" to MLK

January 6, 2006
06 January 2006 Max Blumenthal has a smart take-down of the conservative revisionist history that’s enabled Christian activists such as Tony...

Megachurch Turnover

January 2, 2006
02 January 2006 Robert Schuller, among the inventors of the modern megachurch, turns the Crystal Cathedral’s pulpit over to...

Mirecki Resignation

December 8, 2005
08 December 2005 Disturbing news from Kansas: Paul Mirecki, the University of Kansas professor who became a topic of...

Declaration of Christmas War

December 7, 2005
07 December 2005 Beyond Belief Media, under the leadership of “atheist Christian” blogger/director Brian Flemming, has announced that it...

Return of the New York Jews

December 5, 2005
05 December 2005 Julia Duin of The Washington Times mounts the barricades in defense of the conservative Christian-conservative Jew...

Partisan Peace

November 7, 2005
Last fall, when church-state watchdog groups warned politically-active churches that overt campaigning for one candidate or another might cost...

Not a Cheap Commodity

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Bush tries to save his Miers project from implosion by ‘fessing up that his advisors had promoted the...

New Virgins

October 12, 2005
12 October 2005 Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet responds to Jeremy Lott about the importance of chastity to the Christian conservative movement, on Beliefnet.

Key Dobson

October 10, 2005
10 October 2005 The Boston Globe launches a three-part series on “key evangelical leaders” with a solid reporton James Dobson of Focus on...

Daily Links 16 August 2005

August 16, 2005
Forest for the Trees NYT, Aug 17: “It was Mr. [Ed] Meese, said C. Boyden Gray, White House counsel to the...

Daily Links 12 August 2005

August 12, 2005
Son of Justice Sunday This weekend (Aug. 13-14) on your NPR affiliate: The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet talks with Brooke Gladstone...

Daily Links 10 June 2005

June 10, 2005
The Church of No Questions How do you get shown the door at one of America’s most powerful megachurches?...

The Passion of Constantine

February 22, 2005
Next to Constantine, Mel Gibson’s The Passion is an episode of Spongebob Squarepants. In Constantine, Keanu Reeves as the titular, demon-slaying hero visits...

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