Prayer Maps

February 22, 2004
Pizza parlors, shipping offices, printing shops, jewelry shops — temples, all, as revealed by photographer Jaime Permuth‘s “Manhattan Mincha Map,”...

Ca-razy for Kabbalah

February 5, 2004
David Klinghoffer writes erudite but peculiar books. In one, he recalled his teenage self-circumcision as part of a “conversion” experience...

The Education of Aviel Barclay

November 3, 2003
As Leah Eichler tells it in Moment, a Jewish monthly, the story of Aviel Barclay — poised to become the first woman to scribe...

Wicca Wacka

October 31, 2003
Halloween… time to bake the challah. Keren Engelberg, a contributing writer for The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, reports that...

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