Daily Links October 21 2004

October 21, 2004
NYT Gets It Wrong NYT gets it wrong: David E. Sanger reports that “Mr. Bush has never answered the question of...

Iraq for Hire

April 29, 2004
Also new today: “Who Killed Pat Tillman?” AP just reported that the U.S. has a new plan for subduing Fallujah — hire...

Religion News from Iraq

April 26, 2004
A daily collage of religion news from the war in Iraq. Also new today on The Revealer: Atrios & the “Liberalish”...

Political Hondurassment

April 22, 2004
  John Negroponte at the Prayer Service for the United Nations Community, 10-9-01 (Photo Orthodox Church in America) Here...

Hearts, Minds, Mortars

March 30, 2004
In a 2,600 word New York Times report by David Rohde on the American “Hunt… for Hearts and Minds” in Afghanistan, the role of religion...

Which Side Are You On?

March 27, 2004
Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard, leaves little room for doubt in hispaean to an Iraqi Christian pastor on The...

Christ of the Coup

March 22, 2004
The Revealer‘s associate editor, Kathryn Joyce, gives The Wall Street Journal’s op-ed page poor grades in theology and history: “…The Christ of...

Human Weapon

March 19, 2004
“I break so many taboos when I become a suicide bomber…. I think this nihilism is very new. It’s...

Spiritual Ammunition

March 16, 2004
Last year, four days before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention issued a...

Iraqi Interventions

March 15, 2004
USA Weekend‘s cover feature on five soldiers and how their service in Iraq has strengthened their faith is doubleplusgood propaganda,...

Shockwave Teen Prayer Warriors

March 4, 2004
A new original feature on The Revealer: “Shockwave,” by Elizabeth A. Castelli. Castelli, a visiting fellow at New York University’s Center for...

Holidays in Haiti

March 3, 2004
With John Kerry‘s hair looming large on the newscape, Haiti has been returned to its “place” in the hierarchy of...

The Voodoo Question

March 2, 2004
Most of the mainstream press has covered the violence in Haiti as if just learning about the country for...

Enlightening Iraq

February 17, 2004
We suppose it should come as no surprise that The Salt Lake Tribune, using a Combined News Service report, should give...

The "R" Word

February 2, 2004
There’s a valuable comparison to be found by slogging through this week’s New Yorker lead story (print only), by the normally-astute Jon...

Cows -- Sacred, Mad, and Bad

January 12, 2004
Religious fascism is a funny thing. Well, not really, but it is peculiar, especially in India, where to be...

Guantanamos All Around

December 16, 2003
British novelist Margaret Drabble calls Guantanamo “the Bastille of America,” and the imprisonment without trial of Muslims there one of the...

Christ Without Saddam

November 11, 2003
Saddam’s not the only thing gone missing from Iraq; according to the British Daily Telegraph, booze and gambling are disappearing...

Let God Sort ’Em Out

November 10, 2003
Newsweek‘s Joshua Hammer offers an unintended glimpse into the role of religion — American, that is — in the Iraq war....

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