Girls are for losers.

August 23, 2012
Ashley Baxstrom: What do women want? Rich, successful husbands, duh. Husbands who will comfortably support them and their...

Sabbath Reading

March 28, 2004
It’s just been called to our attention that in our Thursday announcement of our new guide to the God beat, we...

Shabbat Reads

March 27, 2004
Doc Searls, who describes himself as a Christian, is nonetheless concerned about the radio range wars being waged by...

Retire the "Culture War"

March 26, 2004
Historian Julia Rabig writes in to decode one of journalism’s most abused catchphrases, “culture war”: Just two examples: Lyle Denniston of The Boston Globe informs...

Belief Beat

March 25, 2004
The Revealer will be speaking at a conference, “The Belief Beat: Religion & Journalism,”at Yale Divinity School tonight. Preparations must be...


March 23, 2004
Jimmy Carter is, as ever, diplomatic in his denunciation of the White House’s current religion. In The American Prospect, he tells Ayelish...

Just Presupposing...

March 23, 2004
San Francisco Chronicle religion writer Don Lattin weighs in on disgraced USA Today journo Jack Kelley: “Kelley — who resigned earlier this year amid allegations that...

Oy vey, St. Blog!

March 17, 2004
St. Blog’s Parish, the Catholic blogosphere that’s rapidly displacing the Catholic print press, is something of a moveable feast....

St. Blog's Parish

March 16, 2004
Librarian Rachelle Linner explores the Roman Catholic blogosphere — “St. Blog’s Parish,” as it’s known — and finds it wanting. “The clearest...

The God-Plus Beat

March 8, 2004
Aha — now we know why David Kirkpatrick (see “Evangelical Borg”) extracted such a one-note article out of the curiousity (to say...

Gay Marriage, This Instant

March 3, 2004
Writing about the fight for — or against — gay marriage means writing about religion. Yet most of the...

Quindlen in the Middle

March 2, 2004
Anna Quindlen‘s latest Newsweek column is as earnest as ever, but there’s a refreshing edge brought on by a letter writer’s assumption that...

Cookie Monsters

March 1, 2004
There’s an intriguing round-up of sources at Christianity Today on news out of Texas that the baby-killing Bluebonnet Council of Girl Scouts has...

Tough Guys

February 20, 2004
Our post will be delayed today; in the meantime, study this line-up.

One Way (Or Another)

February 17, 2004
Republican, Democrat; red state, blue state; “Christian,” non-Christian… to this list of fuzzy distinctions beloved by the press, add...

Get It? Got It. Good.

February 10, 2004
The Revealer welcomes some competition in the religion-press-critique business from, a new blog edited by Doug LeBlanc and written, for the most...

Prayers Big and Small

February 8, 2004
The-God-of-Small-Things is a blog maintained by someone named Bob. As far as we can tell, it has one entry — a...

Without a Peg

February 6, 2004
Faiza Saleh Ambah of The Christian Science Monitor concluded her five-part series on making the hajj yesterday. An hour after the last...

Ooga-Booga Christians

February 5, 2004
Are evangelicals real, or just a story to scare the children of the Upper West Side? 60 Minutes ponders, Wonkette investigates. As it...

What's in a Name?

January 30, 2004
“Satanic hysteria” is such an interesting phrase, with so many possibilities. The coffee clerk who brought it up at...


January 27, 2004
An exceptionally poor Associated Press report last week paired the news of a Catholic priest’s arrest in Ohio for growing pot with...

Relapsed Catholic

January 21, 2004
The Revealer is still sick. Check back tomorrow, please; and in the meantime, visit our friend Kathy Shaidle at Relapsed Catholic. Kathy was...


January 20, 2004
The Revealer has a fever today, so high I’ve been haunted by fever dreams of George W. Bush leading an orange-robed choir...

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The Revealer