Shallow Wisdom

March 24, 2004
The New York Times seems have divided up religion on its op-ed page Crossfire-style. From the left, Nicholas Kristof. From the right, David...

Public Confessions

March 6, 2004
Should politicos confess their faith in public? Buried in The Washington Post‘s metro section are a series of colorfully-phrased answers...

Faith-Based Bribery

March 5, 2004
President Bush is reminding his base — and liberal religious activists who could provide swing votes — of FBI, his faith-based initiative...

Jesus Lab

March 5, 2004
Q. What guides Bush‘s science policies, politics or science? A. Jesus. That is, if we take Bush’s testimonies of faith seriously....

Iraqi Hearts & Minds

March 4, 2004
For some reason, the “language pack installation” box pops up when we open this sop for the faithful by James G. Lakely in...

Unvarnished Love

March 3, 2004
Virginia Postrel has cut through much of the noise of the gay marriage debate by publishing on Dynamist a letter, with pictures,...

Keep It To Yourself

February 6, 2004
Gregg Easterbrook writes: “I’ll tell you what shakes my belief. Not natural selection; not the evil and injustice of the...

Neocons Unveiled

January 13, 2004
“Perhaps,” writes The Weekly Standard‘s Christopher Caldwell, “we assume too much in asserting that the open democratic republics of the West...

British Patriotism

December 17, 2003
Much debate around the legislation known as the Patriot Acts has focussed on whether they will lead to civil liberties violations....

Constitutional Christ

December 15, 2003
Now that a European constitution has been scuttled by more worldly concerns, the question of which gods (if any) should...

Another Schism, Another Story

December 3, 2003
“Compared to the upcoming [Supreme Court] case on the Pledge of Allegiance and the use of the words ‘under...

The Kids Are Alright

October 29, 2003
The editors of The New Republic argue in this week’s edition that the Supreme Court should allow the words “under God”...

And Now, This

October 15, 2003
France, lately indistinguishable from Saudi Arabia to many Americans, is considering banning the hijab from public schools. The idea gained steam...

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