Aren't Mormon Vampires Sexy?

Published on August 6, 2010

Jana Reiss wonders why Robert Pattinson, the star of  the vampire-glorifying Twilight movies, won't cop to Mormon themes in the blockbusters.  Don't Mormon movies earn money?  Aren't Mormons sexy enough to bust the box office?  Pattinson, in a cover interview for this month's GQ, says that Mormon themes are just something respectable papers like The New York Times made up so they can write about Twilight.  He must be out of the media loop.

Jana Reiss wonders why Robert Pattinson, the star of  the vampire-glorifying Twilight movies, won’t cop to Mormon themes in the blockbusters.  Don’t Mormon movies earn money?  Aren’t Mormons sexy enough to bust the box office?  Pattinson, in a cover interview for this month’s GQ, says that Mormon themes are just something respectable papers like The New York Times made up so they can write about Twilight.  He must be out of the media loop.

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