Ahistorical Fretting

Published on April 19, 2010

Don't miss this post at Religion Dispatches' blog today by Daniel Schultz on the "Covenant for Civility," a document signed by about a hundred faith leaders and promoted on Sojourners by Jim Wallis (who is most recently in a sparring match with Glenn Beck over "social justice"). Schultz gets the "smarmy" tone of the covenant just right and notes that even the signers are having trouble "stay[ing] in the same room."

Don’t miss this post at Religion Dispatches‘ blog today by Daniel Schultz on the “Covenant for Civility,” a document signed by about a hundred faith leaders and promoted on Sojourners by Jim Wallis (who is most recently in a sparring match with Glenn Beck over “social justice”).  Schultz gets the “smarmy” tone of the covenant just right and notes that even the signers are having trouble “stay[ing] in the same room.”

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