A New Front in the Abortion Wars

Published on March 1, 2007

Some journalists will look on "UNdoing Reproductive Freedom: Christian Right NGOs Target the United Nations" with skepticism for its provenance in an unabashedly liberal think tank. That's fine, but read the report, anyway -- this is a major underreported story. Why? Maybe because most reporters assume the internationalism of the United Nations mirrors standard issue liberal politics in the U.S. Maybe because the U.N. only makes the papers when there's an issue of war and peace at hand. Maybe because fifty years of right wing agitation have successfully produced a mainstream master narrative about the U.N. as irrelevant. Of course, all too often the U.N. is irrelevant; but not always, as these anti-abortion activists understand.

Some journalists will look on “UNdoing Reproductive Freedom: Christian Right NGOs Target the United Nations” with skepticism for its provenance in an unabashedly liberal think tank. That’s fine, but read the report, anyway — this is a major underreported story. Why? Maybe because most reporters assume the internationalism of the United Nations mirrors standard issue liberal politics in the U.S. Maybe because the U.N. only makes the papers when there’s an issue of war and peace at hand. Maybe because fifty years of right wing agitation have successfully produced a mainstream master narrative about the U.N. as irrelevant. Of course, all too often the U.N. is irrelevant; but not always, as these anti-abortion activists understand.

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