A Jew Type Responds

Published on March 14, 2004

Whether or not The Passion is anti-Semitic remains open to debate; but the question of whether it enflames anti-Semitic sentiments can be quickly answered with the following note, posted in response to The Revealer‘s round-up of Passion coverage, “Arresting Jesus” (see following post). “Ok, I get it. This is Jewtown for Jew types? Lmfao, fuck your mothers. Hard. […]

Whether or not The Passion is anti-Semitic remains open to debate; but the question of whether it enflames anti-Semitic sentiments can be quickly answered with the following note, posted in response to The Revealer‘s round-up of Passion coverage, “Arresting Jesus” (see following post).

“Ok, I get it. This is Jewtown for Jew types? Lmfao, fuck your mothers. Hard. Posted by filefolder at March 14, 2004 02:04 AM”

This “Jew type” saw a lot of value in The Passion, the movie; but there’s not much to be said for the thugs who have taken solace from it, or for the school kids who’ve revived dormant taunts of “Christ killer,” or even for the pious, mainline Protestants who use the movie as an opportunity to proclaim the “tolerant” truth that we’re all guilty of killing Christ. That in itself strikes us as at least anti-Judaic, but if there’s even a kernel of truth in it, then perhaps some of us are more guilty than others. “Filefolder,” above, comes to mind.

We thought about deleting his post, but we decided to leave it — and republish it here — as more representative of reactions to The Passion than Mel Gibson might care to acknowledge.

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