Happy Birthday, KJV!

Published on January 24, 2011

Elissa Lerner: The King James Bible is celebrating its 400th birthday this year, and judging from the British press, it looks like the festivities will be around all year, although mostly in England. For all you King James enthusiasts out there (and really, who's into the ASV these days anyway?) here are some choice insights and exhibits about the impact of this tome on our society.

Elissa Lerner: The King James Bible is celebrating its 400th birthday this year, and judging from the British press, it looks like the festivities will be around all year, although mostly in England. For all you King James enthusiasts out there (and really, who’s into the ASV these days anyway?) here are some choice insights and exhibits about the impact of this tome on our society. First up we have Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams espousing the virtues of the KJV and how it gives everyone a sense of the “big picture.” Next, the BBC and The Guardian want you to know just how much the KJV has influenced the way we speak today (although the British Library’s new exhibit begs to differ). Moving on, Cambridge presents a five-month exhibition on the making of the King James Bible. And in March, St. Michael’s Without in Bath will host “Bible Challenge,” a five-day open reading of the bible in its entirety. But if all this King James Bible brouhaha strikes your pagan heart as a bit too sanctimonious, check out a rare copy of the notorious 17th century “Wicked Bible,” also on display at Cambridge. Don’t worry, thou shalt commit adultery and be happy!

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