Just in Case That Whole "God" Franchise Doesn't Work Out.

Published on April 23, 2010

Mary Valle: The Vatican continues its efforts to aid research into adult stem cells and their uses. Rome opposes embryonic stem cell research because obtaining the wonder cells involves destroying embryos, which the church holds are deserving of the same protection and respect as already-born children.

Mary Valle: The Vatican continues its efforts to aid research into adult stem cells and their uses. Rome opposes embryonic stem cell research because obtaining the wonder cells involves destroying embryos, which the church holds are deserving of the same protection and respect as already-born children. A new partnership between the Holy See and the University of Maryland will concentrate on adult intestinal cells, which are easily harvested and have the ability to transform into many different types of cells. Additionally, if a person’s cells could be harvested for treatment, there is less likelihood of rejection. The church maintains that these cells could be just as useful as embryonic stem cells without the troubling (for some) “life” issues raised by using human embryos for research.

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