Arrest the Pope; Don't Arrest the Pope

Published on April 21, 2010

Religion Dispatches has dueling articles by Francis Kissling (former president of Catholics for Choice) and Eric Reitan (author and philosophy teacher at Oklahoma State University). Kissling says a crime is a crime and the Church only responds to outside pressure; who cares if it comes from two prominent athiests, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. Reitan says Dawkins and Hitchens are simply out for stunt-making and that the pope is innocent until proven guilty.

Religion Dispatches has dueling articles by Francis Kissling (former president of Catholics for Choice) and Eric Reitan (author and philosophy teacher at Oklahoma State University).  Kissling says a crime is a crime and the Church only responds to outside pressure; who cares if it comes from two prominent athiests, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. Reitan says Dawkins and Hitchens are simply out for stunt-making and that the pope is innocent until proven guilty.

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