But What If Jesus Was a Lumberjack?

Published on December 4, 2008

Jack Black reprises his Mr. Show role as Jeepers Creepers -- aka Jesus -- in the all-star, too late, anti-Prop 8 musical. You can see both impersonations of the divine..

Jack Black reprises his Mr. Show role as Jeepers Creepers — aka Jesus — in the all-star, too late, anti-Prop 8 musical. You can see both impersonations of the divine at Gwynne Watkins’ Godspam, which also points us to this funny clip from an interview with Charlie Kaufman, director and writer of the amazing Synechoche, New York, in Image:

During a public Q&A after the Seattle premiere, I asked Kaufman about his apparent disinterest in questions of a religious nature. I told him I keep waiting for one of his characters to look beyond broken humanity for consolation and redemption. Why don’t these characters ever look for God? Kaufman answered very directly.

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